Jill 24th March 2020

Well ... where do I start ... having know Barry since I was 4 ... he spent soo much time with our family in Nigeria ... as he worked at the same company as Dad .... he was very close to us all .... he would come out with us on the boat that they kept every weekend but Barry refused to come round a certain rough area in the sea which my dad famously called “ RAGGETT’s POINT” where he would get dropped off to walk round to the bay.... my Dad would really wind Barry up .. which never phased him... seemed quite oblivious... Barry actually taught Kevin and I to swim ... and bought me the most beautiful party dress .... of course he was single at the time but enjoyed many adventures in the early 60’s in Nigeria .... We certainly thought a lot of our adopted Uncle Barry with whom we have seen a lot of through most of our lives and lots of stories to tell It was lovely to see Barry last Summer and we will remember him with warm thoughts and so many untold stories I will upload some photos Love Jill & Kevin...X